Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 29 of #40Days - The Chair

My grandpa thought I would be his last and youngest grandchild so he called me to his bedside to give me a chair. He was sick with Parkinson's disease and was bedridden.

Tucker in The Chair.
He gave me a child sized chair that his dad made for him. He instructed me to never paint it although I may oil it occasionally with an appropriate product. I could replace the seat which was made of woven cane. He emphasized, "never paint it."

My grandpa, Ozbond Taylor, was born in the year 1900. I assume his dad, Luther Taylor, made the chair the same or following year. It is a small chair, big enough for a toddler up to a kindergartner. This is an old chair.

We took it home and I used it. I can remember sitting in the chair in front of the Tv. As I grew I squeezed myself into it. Eventually I got too big. My little brother, Jeff, sat in it too.

Then, for decades, it served as a magazine rack. But when we had kids, the magazines had to find a new home. We used it for a booster seat at the table for Daniel, Laken, Brooklyn, Tucker, Sean, Riley, Tilley, Asher, Kaymie and Levi. That's a lot of use.

Somewhere around the hundred year mark, I replaced the seat. Instead of using cane, I weaved white nylon rope tightly. It worked very well. The chair still looked good and was sturdy.

A couple years ago, maybe 2009, Levi threw the chair off our second story porch. When it hit the concrete below, it busted to pieces. I tried to fix it, but no luck. Now the pieces are in my closet. Some day, I hope to find someone handy to fix it.

I would like to see Drake sitting in it when he gets old enough.

"Stop storing up treasures for yourselves on earth, 
where moths and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal. 
Instead, store up treasures for yourselves in heaven, 
where moths and rust don’t destroy and thieves don’t break in and steal. 
Your heart will be where your treasure is."  

God bless,

This is post # 29 of Forty Days. Learn more here.

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