I was adding some chlorine shock to the pool late yesterday. As I cut open a bag with my pocketknife, a grain of the stuff flicked into my eye. Whew!! What a pain. I started splashing water from the pool into my eye to flush it out when it occurred to me that I had just added chlorine to the water. Inside the house for some tap water. I flushed with water and Visine.
It feels better this morning, but I constantly feel the need to wipe "sleep" from my eye, like when you wake up with an eye-booger.
The silver lining was when Jill was hovering over me asking if there was anything she could do. It was like going to the hospital and having a gorgeous nurse.
Jill is gone to Morristown today for a meeting. I was going to go get some free firewood and daylilies from a friend but we couldn't synch our schedules. So, we'll probably tune up the lawn mowers and then mow. But, most of all, we'll probably finish the Mother's Day Project.
I'm going to try to add a couple pictures here for the first time. One is two-year-old, L, eating breakfast. He likes to pick the marshmallows out of his Lucky Charms. The other is my attempt to show you the red eye.
God Bless,

I just noticed the date on the pictures is wrong. Both of these were taken today, May 12, 2006.
That pic doesn't show how bad your eye REALLY looks. Love the "gorgeous nurse" comment. I love you!!! KISSIE KISSIE
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