They went over on Sunday. I stayed behind with Papaw, Sean, Asher, KK and Levi. Asher, KK and Levi (AKL) will be out on fall break Thursday and Friday. So we're gonna go over and join the fun.
I haven't been to Memphis in a few years. My mom has been so patient. She lives there.
That's Friday. This is Wednesday. Yesterday...well that's another story.
Yesterday, Asher called me from school. He was sick. I had forgotten to give him his alergy meds and so he was breaking out. I couldn't get ahold of Sean to either take him his meds or to pick him up. So I went to get him. However, I did get Sean before I got there. He went to get Asher for me. I was not happy.
I took Papaw to the Dr. in the afternoon. He's been getting sick for some time. It finally got bad enough that he would agree to see his doctor. It took about one minute for the Dr. to determine that Papaw was sick enough to go to the hospital. I took him to the emergency room. He was admitted with pneumonia.
Then Linda called and said that Nettie had another baby.
I was NOT expecting that.
This means six of our kids have yet another biological sibling. It does NOT mean we are getting another child. However, it IS possible that we could be asked to take the baby. We just don't know what's going to happen.
We are praying that we will not have to make a decision about taking the baby. The main thing is for the child to go to a loving and capable family. I know we could love and care for a child, but we have a pretty full plate already. I don't know if I could say "No" to a baby. So I am praying that we won't have to face that decision.
Please pray with me. Pray for the baby. Pray that whatever happens will be best for both the baby and it's siblings in my home.
How's that for one day?
Memphis, here I come!
God Bless,
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